- Beer Name:Wexford
- Brewery: Green King/Morland Brewery (Ireland)
- Style: Irish Style Cream Ale
- ABV: 5.0%
- IBU:
- Pour Color: A copper color, transparent
Having only tasted a Genny Cream Ale before this I didn't know what to expect. Then the Face opened the nitrous can. Also a first for us. The sound threw the Face off. As the Face poured, I realized if nothing else, this was the coolest pour I had ever seen. Like sand falling to oblivion the glass became clear after being all cloudy. The head on this is another marvel. It stood up for a long, long time. Thick and creamy I was nearly lost in it every time. The taste was that of a creamy red too. It was creamy but wasn't too sweet of a cream ale. Very malty and really a easy drinking beer. The Irish seem to do this Irish style thing pretty good. Weird.
Figure this and the Brooklyn stout are my favorite beers for the holiday. Hoping to get a good rotation of those as I celebrate this wonderful occasion. I hope that all the other facial haired gentlemen (and ladies?) have a great festivity to attend. Bring them great mustaches home, safe and soaked in some suds at the end of the night. Happy Saint Paddy's day, pop a nitrous can and enjoy my fellow beer lovers.

Rating: ****
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