- Beer Name: Vanilla Porter
- Brewery: Breckenridge Brewery (Colorado)
- Style: Porter
- ABV: 4.7%
- IBU:16
- Pour Color: A dark beer on pour. When held up to light shows red through.
This one looked to me to be another flavored novelty beer that the Face likes to get. It poured and had a slight head that went away fast. That worried me to. The came the scent off the glass. It was scent of coffee, slight nuttiness, and sweet caramel. Altogether just in scent I started to twinge waiting for a splash. Then it came and I twisted a little tighter. A nice little taste of caramel and coffee are heightened with a nice roasted flavor. Chocolate comes through and a nice cereal taste on top of it. Then comes their vanilla taste. Not to strong at all it really seems to help brighten the other flavors in this one. This one is light for a porter in body but all and all lots of flavor.
Colorado is starting to flow pretty regularly on me. Oskar blues is one of my favorite breweries. This one though just made me a fan of Breckenridge Brewery too! A nice balanced porter with a extra kick of vanilla. A beer no one should be sad to have in their mustache. Thanks again Face!
Rating: ****1/2
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