- Beer Name: NightTime Ale
- Brewery: Lagunitas Brewing Company (California)
- Style: Black IPA
- ABV: 8.6%
- IBU: 73.4
- Pour Color: Black as night!
NightTime Ale poured black as night. Light had no business even trying to pass thru this one. The head even had a dark shade to it showing how much dark malt was in it. The lacing lasted most of the glass as it fought valiantly against my follicles. The scent of the hops had a nice pine citrus mix. The bouquet was rounded out with roasted caramel scent. First sip was a explosion of flavors. The hops and the malts were way over the top but only got better as the face swallowed. The malts come thru as a slightly sweet flavor but the roasted malt bitterness really just added to the hops. Citrus and pine tried to over whelm but the malts held there own. Great great beer!
Lagunitas.... Ohhh how do I love thee... Let me count the ways! Very few beer companies knock it out of the park nearly every beer you have. That's what Lagunitas does. There hop heavy beers are amazing and the back bone of there business. It's beers like night time that make you realize that Lagunitas knows it's niche but can also cross over into dark stuff. Yeah it's still hop heavy but it also makes you think of chocolate and coffee more then most straight up malty beers. Kudos again to one of the breweries that makes me love drinking beers!
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