- Beer Name: Nippletop
- Brewery: Lake Placid Brewing Company (New York)
- Style: Milk Stout
- ABV: 4.9%
- IBU:
- Pour Color: Dark Dark Brown... Light fails to make it thru!
Nippletop is a dark beer on pour. Even that head on the top had a dark brown color. The head was nice and creamy on the top. It stuck around for awhile. The scent off the top is roasted malts and alcohol. The taste has a nice complexity of roasted malt, coffee and chocolate. The feel in the mouth is much fuller then most beers. It shows the use of oatmeal and lactose sugars in the brewing. It leaves a nice creamy feel all around. Not a bad beer to come down from the mountain for!
Nippletop is a good but not great milk stout. It's got your strong malts to warm the insides. It's also got a great feel in your mouth. That coffee roasted flavor is really good too. All of these things though just don't go far enough for me. It's almost watered down at the finish to me. Still a good stout that most beer drinkers will like!

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