- Beer Name: Dunkel Lager
- Brewery: SlyFox Brewing Company (Pennsylvania)
- Style: Munich Dunkel Lager
- ABV: 5.3%
- IBU: 21
- Pour Color: A amber color that light traveled thru easily.
The pour left a head that was slightly fluffy for a sip or two. Then the head was gone. The top of the beer had lacing. Only a slight sweet malt scent off the top. The color was a amber that looked rather thin and allowed light thru. The malts were a sweet sour dough. The hops really added little to no bitterness or flavor. A lager like beer, not much more.
I'm not a lager fan and it takes something special to impress me. This isn't one of those special beers. This is overly sweet and sour. The mix makes for a weird swallow while also tasting the bready finish of yeast and malt. I really don't see myself grabbing another one of these.
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