- Beer Name: Snow Cap
- Brewery: Pyramid Brewing Company (Washington)
- Style: Winter Warmer
- ABV: 7%
- IBU: 47
- Pour Color: A brownish red color to this one. Light travels thru easy.
This one poured with a nice fluffy head that would last a few sips. After it went down though it didn't even leave much lacing. Nice see thru dark color to this one. The scent off the top is toffee, ginger, and caramel. You can tell that a nice hop presence is in this one too. The taste has a mix of chocolate, caramel, and toffee flavors. The spicy flavor of this one has a ginger taste to me to. The alcohol in this one is pretty straight forward in flavor to. Not a bad winter warmer.
Winter brings out darker beers. As a hop lovin mustache this really makes me depressed. Everyone wants hearty and not enough want refreshing. This is a strange conundrum for that reason. A warmer usually is to much for me. It's spicy and thick, not really a drinking beer. This one isn't quite as bad as others. Yes the spice and alcohol have a strong taste, but the hops stand up and make it refreshing. Not a every day beer for me but not a bad seasonal for a cold day!