- Beer Name: Never Summer Ale
- Brewery: Boulder Beer Company (Colorado)
- Style: Winter Warmer
- ABV: 6.5%
- IBU: 40
- Pour Color: A dark red color. Light makes it through.
The head didn't come up fast on this one and would only be a film at the top for most the glass. The color was a nice ruby red that's easy to see through. The scent off the top is a caramel and spice. The roasted caramel malts give both sweet and bitter flavors. The spices give a nice warming sensation in mouth. A nice cinnamon, coriander mix that makes the follicles frolic. A nice piney earthy flavor to the hops. Really a nice mix of spices and flavors to make a nice winter warmer.
Another great brew from Colorado, Maybe it's something in the water. I only like a few winter warmers cause most of the time the spices feel out of place. This one seems to be made by that warmer sensation. That sensation gives you a liquor warmth that, with the caramel malt, makes you think it's stronger then it is. This is the type of beer you can drink on the snow covered deck and it's gonna keep a chill away!

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