- Beer Name: Tweason'ale
- Brewery: Dogfish Head Brewing Company (Delaware)
- Style: Fruit/Gluten free Beer
- ABV: 6.0%
- IBU:15
- Pour Color: A dark golden color almost a bronze. Light travels through.
Seeing this one poured was strange. Very carbonated compared to most beers. Also had no head what so ever. These I'm sure are a constant when you're making a grain less beer. The scent of this one was so weird. You get a yeast and a slight raisin scent. The taste is very strange too. The yeast is a strong part of the flavor. It also does have a slight malty flavor to it. A wheat flavor comes through with the raisin tone. The honey made this one slightly over sweet. The strawberry came through slightly but not very much. I found it drinkable and better then some beers that over do the fruit flavor.
This is my first venture into gluten free beer. This mustache has a strong tolerance to gluten in most it's forms. The Face chose this one cause he has friends who can't drink beer. A strange blend of flavors in this one. Probably not the type of thing I'll be soaked in again. Although I get told all the time gluten free beers suck and are undrinkable. This one I actually found to be decent.
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