- Beer Name: Apollo
- Brewery: Sixpoints Brewing Company (New York)
- Style: Krystalweizen
- ABV: 5.2
- IBU:11
- Pour Color: A light yellow color, Has a cloudiness
A summer wheat again and another totally different take on it. Smelling the top you get that nice clove scent, a fresh bread too, and then a weird fruity medley. The head fluffed up quick and was gone quickly. No match for this mustache. The color was a real hazy gold. The taste I found very offsetting from the get go. This is supposed to be a sour style but this was beyond what I enjoy. It was more a banana cider taste then anything else. A fruit medley flavor with a backing of the clove. Vary strange and not to delicious to me. I could see where some could find this refreshing but I didn't.
This just wasn't my type of wheat beer. The only Krystalweizen i've ever had I can't really compare. Being a almost hefe but then brightening it with a lot of fruit flavors that just overpowers the beer taste to me. This would be a great beer to cook with but drinking it again really isn't on the Face's agenda so I won't be swimming in it soon...

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