- Beer Name: WhiteWater IPA
- Brewery: Samuel Adams Brewing (Massachusetts)
- Style: White IPA
- ABV: 5.8%
- IBU: 60
- Pour Color: A golden color with a heavy haze, the light makes it glow
The pour came out a golden color that was very cloudy. The head disappeared just as fast as it appeared. The scent off the glass was a citrus apricot mix. The taste of this one is extremely hoppy. Pine and Citrus notes jump out at you. The apricot comes through as a slightly under ripe flavor due to the citrus notes. The white aspect really is just the color not really any kind of spice kick or anything. All and all a decent beer.
This beer reminds me of a White IPA from Saranac. With a strong fruit backing, and strong hop character, they are a lot alike. With this one though Sam Adams decides to get into the over saturated apricot beer market. A decent offering but I personally would go for a Aprihop from dogfish before this one or even the before mentioned Saranac white. In any case this is good beer.

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