- Beer Name: Breakfast Stout
- Brewery: Founder's Brewing Company (Michigan)
- Style: Imperial Stout
- ABV: 8.3%
- IBU: 60
- Pour Color: Black through and through!
The pour came out a deep black that even held up to light you couldn't see. The head wasn't anything spectacular, it was half a finger. Not much of a match for the mustache. The scent is a deep roasted scent. You also catch a slight coffee chocolate mix off the top. The coffee and the chocolate come through very bitter on taste. Strong smokey roasted flavors are complimented with a nice earth hop flavor. You also get a strong flavor of the alcohol in this one. Over all really delicious!
They call this a breakfast stout. The coffee flavor works that way easy. I can't see myself drinking this in the mourning though. It's got a nice thick body, like you would want from a early drinking day, but way to strong. With the high ABV you're not gonna drink to many in a day. The taste of alcohol makes it hard to drink early too. I think as a night cap though, PERFECT!