- Beer Name: Oktoberfest
- Brewery: SlyFox Brewing Company (Pennsylvania)
- Style: Lager
- ABV: 5.8%
- IBU: 25
- Pour Color: Nice see through light orange color.
First of the octoberfest beers and a great choice. It poured a nice orange color in the glass. The head was about two fingers high but disapeared quite quickly only leaving a film at the top of the glass. Smelling the top of the glass no hops are noticed. The malt and yeast both are easily smelt off the top of the glass. The flavor is a nice malty yeasty blend. Slightly sweet but not over the top. A real fresh bread or biscuit flavor hits you strong. The hops really only added a slight bitter to the mix. All and all a malt lovers delight that's very drinkable!
So it's October and on top of the usual pumpkin ales we also got some Oktoberfest beers! Always expect malts on display when drinking a Oktoberfest beer. Every company this season seems to have it's own variety. This is one of the most easy drinking Oktoberfest I've had. Well worth the wait for fall. If you're lucky enough to find this one in your Face's hand, you know it's gonna be a nice malty bath!

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