- Beer Name: Cali-Belgue IPA
- Brewery: Stone Brewing Company (California)
- Style: Belgian IPA
- ABV: 6.9%
- IBU:77
- Pour Color: A nice clear golden color.
This one poured with a finger high head. Not to tall at all. This would sit on the sides of the glass all the way down the beer. The color was a nice golden color that had a nice glow as light passed through. The scent off the top is a strange malty, yeasty, spicy scent. You can tell by the smell that the hops are there too. You also get a slight orange citrus to the bouquet too. The taste is a nice malty yeasty mix like the scent. A almost sweet cereal taste to the malts. That mixed with the yeast give you a nice Belgium wheat beet flavor. Then comes the kick. The IPA portion of this beer is really tasted most after the swallow. You then get a nice echo of that flavor long after a sip. I really like this brew.
Starting out, this is a great IPA as just a IPA. Add in the fact that you get a Belgian kick, that most beer company's would be afraid to go to, makes it even better! Raging Bitch is the only Belgian IPA I've reviewed so far that's on this level. I find it real hard to choose between which I like better my friends!

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