- Beer Name: A Dark Night In Munich
- Brewery: Samuel Adams Brewing Company (Massachusetts)
- Brewer: Corey Martin
- Style: Munich Dunkle Lager
- ABV: 5.9%
- IBU:?
- Pour Color: Dark ruby red tone to it, light passes through easily.
The Face popped this one open and it poured perfect. A nice high head that stuck around only a short while. The red color of this one really makes for a gorgeous look in a pint glass. The scent off the top was a caramel malt scent, not much hops. A yeasty bready scent off the top to. The taste out the glass was another malt explosion. A nice mix of caramel and chocolate makes up most of this one. The yeast spice is a nice element too. Also a nice earthy blend of hops balances this one away from being to sweet. Really a delicious blend, of flavor, with a slight over carbonation to me. I'd bathe in it again just about anytime though!
Being the Face is also a home brewer it's no wonder this would show up in front of me. Corey Martin did a great job for a beer that any mustache should love. The head disappeared quick and the sweetness of this one doesn't leave me sticky. On top of that it's at a 5.9% ABV. I dare you to find another Dunkle lager like that. This one was a no brainer. Delicious and created by a home brewer, what more could you want?

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