- Beer Name: IPA
- Brewery: WestBrook Brewing Company
- Style:IPA
- ABV: 6.8%
- IBU: 60
- Pour Color: A golden slightly orange color that has a haze. Light still get thru.
This one poured nice with a nice fluffy head. It fought valiantly but was bested before half the glass. The lacing shows the nice amount of malts used to make this beer. The scent off the top is hop forward but a sweet backing of malts. Quite resiny scent actually. The hops come through as the normal citrus and pine scents. The malts are actual more complex and give it a slightly spicy sweet scent. The taste is a nice resiny and sweet mix of IPA! The malts come in to give that sweetness but also to finish it off with a bit of biscuity goodness. A well ballenced and delicious IPA that luckily comes in cans!
This one outta South Carolina really nails a balance of east coast malt ability with westcoast hop ability. Amazing how full of flavor this one is. Of course since it's in a can you don't have to worry to much about the dating cause light doesn't get in. I LOVE CANNED BEER! Sorry off on a tangent but this beer is amazing and really easy to drink and quite refreshing! Glad our bud Kristy put it on her Stash Shelve at AJ's Beer WareHouse in Hennrietta NY!