- Beer Name: Choklat
- Brewery: Southern Tier Brewing Company (New York)
- Style: Imperial Stout
- ABV: 10%
- IBU: ?
- Pour Color: Just black and no light gets thru!
The head of this beer wasn't very high and didn't really last that long. It's a black hole of a stout poured into a glass. Absolutely no light makes it out of the glass. A sweet alcoholic scent comes off the top. The flavor is bitter, sweet chocolate and a nice compliment of roasted malts. Not really much hops to mention. The alcohol though has a strong bite and really isn't hidden. The high ABV is right up front but still a great dessert beer!
The only problem this beer has is that alcohol flavor and scent. As you drink this one it nearly has legs like wine. It has a strong alcohol scent too. Then you sip it and find it too has a alcoholic kick. All and all this one tries to mix in with that ABV instead of hiding it like some others. This can easily alienate those who buy it thinking it's liquid Hershey's. Myself though found it to be delicious.