- Beer Name: Racer 5 IPA
- Brewery: Bear Republic (California)
- Style: IPA
- ABV: 7%
- IBU: 75
- Pour Color: A golden slightly amber color with a haze. Light travels thru easily!
I've got my follicles all in this one. The head was fairly high and lasted as a lacing for most the glass. The color was a very hazy gold. The haze and scent off the top screamed dry hop! A nice bouquet of citrus and alchol off the top. A fairly sweet back ground for a IPA. The hops come through as a mix of citrus and pine. Noticeable alcohol taste in mouth too. A nice original tasting IPA.
An IPA that tastes different then most I have tasted before are hard to find. Racer 5 really is one of those kind of IPAs. The really sweet backing is usually found in a slightly overly bitter pale ale. Dale's uses it nicely. Deviant Dale's does too. This one isn't on par with those for me but this mustache enjoyed this beer. The alcoholic bite is just a little to much for every day of the week..